(link is external)default
(link sends e-mail)default
<code>@token</code> for both the label and value together.default
<code>@token</code> for just the key in a key|label pair (grid and select components).default
<code>@token</code> for just the label.default
<code>@token</code> for the value without the label (the default).default
A dark skin for the Nivo Slider.default
A light skin for the Nivo Slider.default
Access tokendefault
Add & configure a Responsive Menus module reaction.default
Add template suggestions using context.default
Add thumbnail block to thumbnail slideshowdefault
Anything (parent of ul preferred). Example: Given <code>@code</code> you could use !usedefault
Anything. Example: Given <code>@code</code> you could use !usedefault
Basic Carouseldefault
Basic Sliderdefault
Basic Slider with Thumbnail captionsdefault
Broken handler node.titledefault
CAPTCHA: no challenge enableddefault
CSS Injectordefault
Compare database fields against eachother.default
Context (all)default
Context (any)default
Contextual filterdefault
Contextual filtersdefault
Control HTML theme variables using context.default
Control Region visiblity using context.default
Control block visibility using context.default
Control menu active class using context.default
Control page theme variables using context.default
Controle de Sinaisdefault
Controls another FlexSlider instancedefault
Convert URLs into linksConverte URLs em linksdefault
Convert line breaks into HTML (i.e. <code><br></code> and <code><p></code>)Converte quebras de linha em HTML (ex. <code><br></code> e <code><p></code>)default
Correct faulty and chopped off HTMLCorrige HTML defeituoso e cortadodefault
Current languagedefault
Custom default languagedefault
Dashboard (inactive)default
Dashboard (main)default
Dashboard (sidebar)default
Date completeddefault
Date modifieddefault
Date submitteddefault
Debug output reaction for SimpleTest.default
Default contextdefault
Display "Access Denied"default
Display a summarydefault
Display all results for the specified fielddefault
Display any HTML as plain textExibe qualquer HTML como texto purodefault
Display contents of "No results found"default
Displays fields in a dropdown list, like on the views listing page.default
Displays messages in the area.default
Dropdown linksdefault
Enable Path Breadcrumbs on error pagesdefault
Enables Path Breadcrumbs on error pages (403, 404). <strong>Only for advanced users. May require additional access checks.</strong>default
Executes a piece of PHP code. The usage of this filter should be restricted to administrators only!Executa um trecho código PHP. Esse filtro só deve ser usado por administradores!default
Exposed form: @view-@display_iddefault
Faróis Do CAMRdefault
Fields comparisondefault
Filter criteriadefault
Filter criteriondefault
FlexSlider Exampledefault
FlexSlider Views Exampledefault
Flipping Bookdefault
Flipping Book table contains data regarding Flipping Books imported into the site.default
Footer first columnRodapé: Primeira colunadefault
Footer fourth columnRodapé: Quarta colunadefault
Footer second columnRodapé: Segunda colunadefault
Footer third columnRodapé: Terceira colunadefault
For easier theme development, the theme registry is being rebuilt on every page request. It is <em>extremely</em> important to <a href="!link">turn off this feature</a> on production websites.default
Google Analytics configurationdefault
Google Analytics module form element.default
Google Nexus (codrops)default
Has taxonomy term ID with depth (using joins)default
Has taxonomy terms with depth (using joins)default
Help textTexto de ajudadefault
Hide viewdefault
If enabled, all defined languages will be allowed for this content type in addition to only enabled ones. This is useful to have more languages for content than for the interface.default
Inject the selected css when this context is set.default
Is not one ofdefault
Is one ofdefault
Language selectiondefault
Limit allowed HTML tagsLimita as tags HTML permitidasdefault
Main menuMenu principaldefault
Matomo configurationdefault
Matomo module form element.default
Matomo site IDdefault
Mean Menudefault
Menu linkLink de menudefault
Menu principaldefault
Multi Level Push Menudefault
No Flipping Book was found.default
No results behaviordefault
Node typedefault
PHP evaluatorInterpretador PHPdefault
Page Bottomdefault
Page Topdefault
Parent of the @ul. Example: Given <code>@code</code> you would use !usedefault
Piwik configurationdefault
Piwik module form element.default
Piwik site IDdefault
Place a CAPTCHA here for untrusted users.default
Powered by <a href="@poweredby">Drupal</a>Desenvolvido com <a href="@poweredby">Drupal</a>default
Provide a simple link to delete the flipping_book.default
Provide a simple link to the flipping_book.default
Provide default valuedefault
Query stringdefault
ResponsiveMultiLevelMenu (codrops)default
Select any filter and click on Apply to see resultsdefault
Select nodes by languagedefault
Select taxonomy terms by languagedefault
Serial numberdefault
Set the breadcrumb trail to the selected menu item.default
Set this context on the basis of other active contexts. Put each context on a separate line. The condition will pass if <em>any</em> of the contexts are active. You can use the <code>*</code> character (asterisk) as a wildcard and the <code>~</code> character (tilde) to prevent this context from activating if the listed context is active. Other contexts which use context conditions can not be used to exclude this context from activating.default
Set this context on the basis of other active contexts. Put each context on a separate line. The condition will pass only if <em>all</em> of the contexts are active. You can use the <code>*</code> character (asterisk) as a wildcard and the <code>~</code> character (tilde) to prevent this context from activating if the listed context is active. Other contexts which use context conditions can not be used to exclude this context from activating.default
Set this context when any of the paths above match the page path. Put each path on a separate line. You can use the <code>*</code> character (asterisk) as a wildcard and the <code>~</code> character (tilde) to exclude one or more paths. Use <front> for the site front page.default
Set this context when any of the query strings above match the page query string. Put each query string on a separate line. You can use the "*" character as a wildcard and <code>~</code> to exclude one or more query strings.default
Set this context when any of the selected menu items belong to the current active menu trail.default
Set this context when displaying the page of one of these views.default
Set this context when the current user has one of the selected role(s).default
Set this context when viewing a node page or using the add/edit form of one of these content types.default
Set this context when viewing a node with the selected taxonomy terms.default
Set this context when viewing a taxonomy term page.default
Set this context when viewing a user page.default
Set this context when viewing the site in the selected language.default
Should this context always be set? If <strong>true</strong>, this context will be active across your entire site.default
Show "Page not found"default
Simple expandingdefault
Sitewide contextdefault
Skip queries with these tags. Enter a list of tags separated by commas.default
Slider controlled by another instance of FlexSliderdefault
Slider w/thumbnail sliderdefault
Sort byOrdenar a lista por:default
Sort by a specific language that the content is in.default
Sort criteriadefault
Sort criteriondefault
Specific languagedefault
Submission IDdefault
Taxonomy termTermo de taxonomiadefault
Template suggestionsdefault
The @ul. Example: Given <code>@code</code> you would use !usedefault
The IP address that was used when submitting the webform.default
The bottom bar skin for the Nivo Slider.default
The date the webform was first completed (not draft).default
The date the webform was first save as draft or completed.default
The date the webform was last saved (draft or completed).default
The default skin for the Nivo Slider.default
The flipping_book ID.default
The flipping_book directory.default
The flipping_book title.default
The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list.default
The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list.default
The security token used to gain access to this webform submission.default
The serial number of this webform submission.default
The total count of versions/revisions of a certain node.default
The unique indentifier for the webform submission.default
The user account number is unique to the websites domain. Click the <strong>Settings</strong> link in your Matomo account, then the <strong>Websites</strong> tab and enter the appropriate site <strong>ID</strong> into this field.default
The user account number is unique to the websites domain. Click the <strong>Settings</strong> link in your Piwik account, then the <strong>Websites</strong> tab and enter the appropriate site <strong>ID</strong> into this field.default
The user that submitted the webform result.default
The version of the %library library could not be detected.default
Theme HTMLdefault
Theme pagedefault
This ID is unique to each site you want to track separately, and is in the form of UA-xxxxxxx-yy. To get a Web Property ID, <a href="@analytics">register your site with Google Analytics</a>, or if you already have registered your site, go to your Google Analytics Settings page to see the ID next to every site profile. <a href="@webpropertyid">Find more information in the documentation</a>.default
This context will be set if no other context is active except sitewide contexts.default
Title labeldefault
To use thumbnail captions, use the "caption field" option in the style settings.default
Tokens related to webform submissions.default
Top Bardefault
Use fields comparison to filter the result of the view.default
User accountConta de usuáriodefault
User menudefault
User pagedefault
User role idsdefault
User role namesdefault
Version Countdefault
Web Property IDdefault
Web e Administraçãodefault
Webform submission valuesdefault
Webform tokens from submitted data. Replace the "?" with the "field key", including any parent field keys separated by colons. You can append:default
Webform tokens related to the submission's Edit URL.default
Webform tokens related to the submission's URL.default
Welcome %name. You have been automatically logged into %sitename.Bem-vindo %name! Você está logado, automaticamente, ao site %sitename - CAMR. default
You may also <a href="@other_user_link">log in as another user</a> if required.default
carousel with min and max rangesdefault
contextual filterdefault
contextual filtersdefault
filter criteriadefault
filter criteriondefault
menu itemsdefault
no results behaviordefault
not indefault
slider w/thumbnail controlnav patterndefault
sort criteriadefault
sort criteriondefault
the option key for just that one option (grid and select components).default
the question key for just that one question (grid components).default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=101;max=24240; end=1400265895default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=101;max=24240; end=1400286249default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=101;max=24240; end=1400618479default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=101;max=24240; end=1400715747default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=102;max=24480; end=1400195692default
update_max_fetch_time=60;count(module_list()=47;max=11280; end=1397744877default