[Year] 2024 [Bid Number] Notice No. 90032/2024 – Procurement Announcement - Edital nº 90032/2024 – Aviso de Licitação [Object] Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014   Process Number: 63268.009091/2024-11 Object: Acquisition, through the price registration system, of communication equipments for the Brazilian fleet, according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes which can be obtained here. https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br Total items tendered: 7     Availability of Tender Document: November 27, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br   Submission of Proposals: starting from November 27, 2024, at 9:00 AM on the website (https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br). Opening of Proposals: December 09, 2024, at 10:00 AM on the website (https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br).   p { line-height: 115%; margin-bottom: 0.25cm; background: transparent }a:link { color: #000080; text-decoration: underline }   [Bid Method ] Registro de Preço - Price Registration [Publish Date] 25/11/2024 [Submission Due Date] 09/12/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63268.009091/2024-11 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] Subasta 001/ADNEQU/2024 [Object] Contratación de empresa especializada para la prestación de servicios de transporte de equipajes no acompañados para personal militar de la Agregaduría de Defensa, Naval y Aérea de la Embajada de Brasil en Ecuador (AdiDefNavAerEcuador), por medio del modal aéreo o del modal marítimo, cual fuera más aceptable y económico, con origen en Ecuador y con destino a Brasil. La participación de la empresa implica total e irrestricto acatamiento de los planteamientos y a las condiciones de este Anuncio de Subasta. La EMPRESA COMPETIDORA deberá presentar el Certificado de Confirmación de Recibimiento del Anuncio de Subasta llenado, sellado y firmado por el representante legal de la empresa (Anexo V).   [Bid Method ] Pregão [Publish Date] 31/10/2024 [Submission Due Date] 25/11/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 60925.000103/2024-74 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 11/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 11/2024 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for  Hiring of a service provider company for meal supply for the workforce of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington (BNCW) and the Naval Attaché in the United States (AdiNavEUA) on business days. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 11/2024, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à Contratação de empresa prestadora de serviço de fornecimento de refeições, para a Força de trabalho da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington (CNBW) e da Adidância Naval nos Estados Unidos (AdiNavEUA), nos dias úteis.   [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 30/10/2024 [Submission Due Date] 12/11/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002250/2024-66 [Contract Number] 70200/24-23/00 [Awarded ] Gregorio at Sumner Place LLC [Contract Date] 22/11/2024 [Value] U$242352.00 [Validity] 17/01/2025 a 16/01/2026 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] Notice nº 90018/2024 – Bidding Process [Object] Notice nº 90018/2024 – Bidding Process Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014   Process Number: 63394.001221/2024-14 Object:   Acquisition, through the Price Registration System, of communication equipments for the Brazilian fleet, according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes which can be obtained through the link: https://pncp.gov.br/app/editais/00394502000144/2024/13755 .   Total number of items: 20 Total number of lots: 11   Bid Process published date: October 15, 2024, on the website (https://pncp.gov.br/app/editais/00394502000144/2024/13755)   Submission of Proposals: from October 15, 2024, at 9:00 AM on the website (https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br).   Opening of Proposals:   Date: October 29, 2024, at 10:00 AM (Brasília Time) on the website (https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br).     [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 18/10/2024 [Submission Due Date] 29/10/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 07/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes public the Bid Process Nº. 07/2024, Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of Individual Ballistic Protective Equipment, its components and accessories for the operative units of the Marine Corps. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, dá publicidade ao Processo Licitatório Nº. 07/2024, modalidade Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de Equipamentos de Proteção Balística Individual (EPBI), seus componentes e acessórios para as unidades operativas do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais.   [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 27/09/2024 [Submission Due Date] 09/10/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001440/2024-66 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] BCS USA INC. [Contract Date] 03/12/2024 [Value] U$606674.00 [Validity] 03/12/2024 A 03/12/2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 09/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 09/2024 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for Hiring of specialized company for the door-to-door transport of unaccompanied baggage for service members completing their mission in the Brazilian Naval Attache Office in Colombia. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 09/2024, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à Contratação de empresa prestadora de serviço de transporte de bagagem desacompanhada, na modalidade porta a porta para militares em processo de completar sua missão na Adidância Naval do Brasil na Colômbia.   [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 19/09/2024 [Submission Due Date] 01/10/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 60918000055/2024-94 [Contract Number] 70200/2024-18/00 [Awarded ] ALLIED INTERNATIONAL NA. INC [Contract Date] 18/10/2024 [Value] U$163000.00 [Validity] 18/10/2024 - 17/10/2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION NUMBER 90056/2024 [Object] BIDDING NOTICE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION NUMBER 90056/2024 Brazilian Navy “Centro de Intendência da Marinha em Niterói” Military Organization Code (UASG): 791010 Process Number: 63259.000439/2024-14 Objective: Port support service to meet the logistical needs of the Brazilian Navy School Ship “BRASIL” in international ports. Total Items Tendered: 226 items. Availability of Tender Document: on the website https://pncp.gov.br/app/editais/00394502000144/2024/9837 Final date for receiving proposals: August 26, 2024, at 09:30AM (Brasília time) on the website www.gov.br/compras. ------------------------------------- AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO Pregão Eletrônico Nº 90056/2024 Organização Militar: Centro de Intendência da Marinha em Niterói Código da Organização Militar (UASG): 791010 Número do Processo: 63259.000439/2024-14 Objeto: Serviço de apoio portuário para atendimento às necessidades logísticas do Navio Escola da Marinha do Brasil “BRASIL” em portos internacionais. Total de Itens Licitados: 226 itens. Disponibilidade do Edital: https://pncp.gov.br/app/editais/00394502000144/2024/9837 Data fim de recebimento de propostas: 26/08/2024 09:30 (horário de Brasília) no site www.gov.br/compras. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 12/08/2024 [Submission Due Date] 26/08/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] Licitación Electrónica No. 06/2024 de la Agregaduría Naval de Brasil en Paraguay [Object] El objeto de esta licitación es la elección de la propuesta más ventajosa para la contratación de servicios relacionados con el transporte de vehículos y equipajes no acompañados para personal militar de la Agregaduría Naval de Brasil en Paraguay, de acuerdo con las condiciones, cantidades y requisitos estabelecidos en este Aviso Público y sus anexos. ============================================================================ O objeto da presente licitação é a seleção da proposta mais vantajosa para a contratação de serviços relacionados ao transporte de veículos e bagagens desacompanhadas para militares da Adidância Naval Brasileira no Paraguai, conforme as condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus anexos. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 22/07/2024 [Submission Due Date] 01/08/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 08/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, informs all interested parties, the opening of the Bidding Process Nº. 08/2024, in the form of Online Reverse Bid Auction, to be awarded to the LOWEST PRICE PER LOT for the acquisition of Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) to meet the needs of naval vessels during missions FRATERNO XXXVII, UNITAS LXV, SOLIDAREX-2024 and XXXVIII VIGM. This is a Classified Bidding Process, and interested companies, registered in the Brazilian Navy system, may request the Notice and its Annexes via e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, dá publicidade para todas empresas interessadas, a abertura do Processo Licitatório Nº 08/2024, na modalidade de Pregão, na forma eletrônica, com critério de julgamento pelo MENOR PREÇO POR LOTE para o FORNECIMENTO DE ÓLEO DIESEL MARÍTIMO (ODM) PARA ATENDER NECESSIDADE DOS MEIOS NAVAIS DURANTE AS COMISSÕES FRATERNO XXXVII, UNITAS LXV, SOLIDAREX-2024 e XXXVIII. Trata-se de Processo Licitatório classificado como Reservado, podendo as empresas interessadas, cadastradas no sistema da Marinha do Brasil, solicitar o Edital e seus Anexos por meio do e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br . [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 18/07/2024 [Submission Due Date] 30/07/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001510/2024-86 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 03/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 03/2024 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for Hiring qualified company to provide janitorial and relates services. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 03/2024, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à contratação de empresa especializada para prestação de serviços continuados de limpeza e conservação. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 06/06/2024 [Submission Due Date] 18/06/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000406/2024-74 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 05/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 05/2024 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for Hiring of company to provide health insurance services. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 05/2024, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à Contratação de empresa de prestação de Serviço de seguro saúde com Organização Prestadora Preferencial (PPO). [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 24/05/2024 [Submission Due Date] 06/06/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.000493/2024-60 [Contract Number] 70200/24-07/01 [Awarded ] USI Insurance Services LLC [Contract Date] 24/06/2024 [Value] U$473809.00 [Validity] 01/07/2024 a 30/06/2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 04/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 04/2024 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended forHiring of specialized company for the door-to-door transport of unaccompanied baggage. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 04/2024, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à Contratação de empresa prestadora de serviço de transporte de bagagem desacompanhada, na modalidade porta a porta. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 07/05/2024 [Submission Due Date] 22/05/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000760/2024-07 [Contract Number] 70200/24-06/00 [Awarded ] Allied Internationa NA INC [Contract Date] 04/06/2024 [Value] U$546000.00 [Validity] 01/07/2024 a 30/06/2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] BID 02/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, informs all interested parties, the opening of the Bidding Process Nº. 02/2024, in the form of Online Reverse Bid Auction, to be awarded to the LOWEST PRICE PER LOT for the supply of of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Lubricant Oil (LO) for logistical support to military vessels during the CARIBEX-2024, PLATINA e SONDOPE commissions. This is a Classified Bidding Process, and interested companies, registered in the Brazilian Navy system, may request the Notice and its Annexes via e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, dá publicidade para todas empresas interessadas, a abertura do Processo Licitatório Nº 02/2024, na modalidade de Pregão, na forma eletrônica, com critério de julgamento pelo MENOR PREÇO POR LOTE para o abastecimento de Óleo Diesel Marítimo (ODM) e Óleo Lubrificante(OL) em apoio logístico aos meios navais durante as comissões CARIBEX-2024, PLATINA e SONDOPE. Trata-se de Processo Licitatório classificado como Reservado, podendo as empresas interessadas, cadastradas no sistema da Marinha do Brasil, solicitar o Edital e seus Anexos por meio do e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br . [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 10/04/2024 [Submission Due Date] 22/04/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] TJIL 01/2023 - CASOPE [Object] O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, da publicidade à aquisição de equipamento de alvo submarino, de acordo com o TJIL nº 01/2023 do CASOPE. The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, announces the acquisition of advanced acoustic target equipment, in accordance to the TJIL n. 01/2023 of the CASOPE. [Bid Method ] Inexigibilidade de Licitação [Publish Date] 08/03/2024 [Submission Due Date] 08/03/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63201.000535/2023-39 [Contract Number] 70200/23-05/00 [Awarded ] Lockheed Martin [Contract Date] 30/11/2023 [Value] U$67200.00 [Validity] 8 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] SEALED BID 01/2024 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Sealed Bid Nº 01/2024 public, in the Sealed Bid modality, intended for the sale of surplus assets - 6 lots of auxiliary power units and engines, as detailed in item i - Object of this Notice. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 01/2024, na modalidade de Concorrência, destinado à alienação de geradores e motores descrito no item 1 deste Edital. [Bid Method ] Concorrência [Publish Date] 19/03/2024 [Submission Due Date] 29/04/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63003.001913/2023-38 [Contract Number] 70200/24-04/00 [Awarded ] STURGILL TURBINE SERVICE [Contract Date] 13/05/2024 [Value] U$575000.00 [Validity] 13/05/2024 A 13/11/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] TJIL 01/2023 - CMATFN [Object] O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, da publicidade à aquisição de equipamento de proteção balística individual, especificamente para o uso em tropas militares do sexo feminino, de acordo com o TJIL nº 01/2023 do CMATFN. The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, announces the acquisition of personal ballistic protection equipment, vests, and ballistic plates, specifically for female use, in accordance to the TJIL n. 01/2023 of the CMATFN. [Bid Method ] Inexigibilidade de Licitação [Publish Date] 07/02/2024 [Submission Due Date] 07/02/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63181.001875/2023-62 [Contract Number] 31000/23-03/00 [Awarded ] TYR TACTICAL [Contract Date] 30/11/2023 [Value] U$237350.00 [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION NUMBER 18/2023 [Object] BIDDING NOTICE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION NUMBER 18/2023 Brazilian Navy “Navy Supply Base in Rio de Janeiro” Military Organization Code (UASG): 771100 Process Number: 63343.003145/2023-04. Objective: Acquisition of 01 (one) forklift with a diesel engine for the Navy's Customs Operations and Distribution Center, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements established in the Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: January 26, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: Brazil Avenue, 10.500, Olaria, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 21012-350; or on the website http://comprasnet.gov.br/ConsultaLicitacoes/download /download_editais_detalhe.asp?coduasg=771100&modprp=3&numprp=182023 Submission of Proposals: Starting from February 27, 2024, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. Opening of Proposals: February 27, 2024, at 09:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. ------------------------------------- AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO Concorrência Internacional Nº 18/2023 Organização Militar: Base de Abastecimento da Marinha no Rio de Janeiro Código da Organização Militar (UASG): 771100 Número do Processo: 63343.003145/2023-04 Objeto: Aquisição de 01 (uma) empilhadeira com motor a diesel para o Centro de Distribuição e Operações Aduaneiras da Marinha, conforme condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas no Edital e seus anexos. Total de Itens Licitados: 1. Disponibilidade do Edital: 26/01/2023 das 09h00 às 12h00 e das 13h00 às 15h00, no seguinte endereço: Avenida Brasil, 10.500, Olaria - Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil, CEP 21012-350; ou pelo site http://comprasnet.gov.br/ConsultaLicitacoes/download/download_editais_de... Entrega das Propostas: a partir de 27/02/2023 às 09h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. Abertura das Propostas: 27/02/2023 às 09h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. [Bid Method ] INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION [Publish Date] 26/01/2024 [Submission Due Date] 27/02/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63343.003145/2023-04 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2024 [Bid Number] 01-2024- Contratación de servicios relacionados con el transporte de equipaje no acompañado para el traslado de militares brasileños de Chile a Brasil. [Object] Contratação dos serviços referentes ao transporte de bagagens desacompanhadas para a mudança de militares brasileiros do Chile para o Brasil. ============================================================================ Contratación de servicios relacionados con el transporte de equipaje no acompañado para el traslado de militares brasileños de Chile a Brasil. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 18/01/2024 [Submission Due Date] 30/01/2024 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 60913.000065/2023-99 [Contract Number] 01/2024 [Awarded ] Sociedad Internacional de Transportes DECA S.A. - Decapack [Contract Date] 13/02/2024 [Value] U$18540.00 [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] TJIL 05/2022 [Object] Contratação do Sistema SEA WEB, com a empresa IHS Global Inc, a fim de atender as atividades específicas e especializadas do COMPAAz. [Bid Method ] Dispensa [Publish Date] 18/11/2022 [Submission Due Date] 28/11/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 62087.008883/2022-64 [Contract Number] 00687052 [Awarded ] S&P Global [Contract Date] 22/11/2022 [Value] U$33075.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] TJDL No. 02/2023 of the Navy's Aeronautics Directorate [Object] O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, da publicidade à contratação emergencial de serviços de transporte e armazenagem de 10 motores principais, e 4 motores auxiliares, acondicionados em caixas individuais, por um período inicial de 3 meses e não superior a 12 meses.de acordo com o TJDL nº 02/2023 da Diretoria de Aeronáutica da Marinha. The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, announces the emergency procurement of transportation and storage services for 10 main engines and 4 auxiliary engines, packed in individual boxes, for an initial period of 3 months and not exceeding 12 months, in accordance with TJDL No. 02/2023 of the Navy's Aeronautics Directorate [Bid Method ] Contratação Emergencial [Publish Date] 06/12/2023 [Submission Due Date] 06/12/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63003.003294/2023-16 [Contract Number] 70200/23-12/00 [Awarded ] Priority Worldwide [Contract Date] 06/12/2023 [Value] U$23145.00 [Validity] 09 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 08/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 08/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended to hire services to handle the booking, issuance, and delivery of both domestic (within the United States of America) and international airline tickets for flights that originate from the United States of America or, in some instances, from countries in the Americas, China, Korea, and Japan (BNCW's area of jurisdiction).   O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº. 08/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à contratação de serviço de reserva, emissão e entrega de bilhetes de passagens aéreas Domésticas (Estados Unidos da América), e Internacionais, para voos com origem nos Estados Unidos da América ou, ocasionalmente, originalmente de países das Américas, China, Coreia e Japão (área de jurisdição da CNBW). [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 05/12/2023 [Submission Due Date] 18/12/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002822/2023-26 [Contract Number] 70200/23-14/00 [Awarded ] Globo Travel Tours Inc. [Contract Date] 20/12/2023 [Value] U$350000.00 [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 10/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 10/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of 04 (four) Marine Engine Generator Sets for the Multipurpose Dock Ship “Bahia”. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº 10/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de 4 (quatro) Grupos Motores-Geradores (GMG), para o Navio Doca Multipropósito “Bahia”, [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 04/12/2023 [Submission Due Date] 14/12/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63275.008434/2023-42 [Contract Number] 70200/23-13/00 [Awarded ] SOTREQ HANDELS [Contract Date] 27/12/2023 [Value] U$2660000.00 [Validity] 60 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 09/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 09/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of flat aluminum sheets according to ASTM B209 5083 H116 alloy, checkered (tread) aluminum sheets according to ASTM B209 5754 H114 alloy, and aluminum profiles according to ASTM B221 6082 T6 alloy. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº. 09/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de chapas lisas de alumínio na liga ASTM 8209 5083 H116, chapas xadrez de alumínio na liga ASTM 8209 5754 H114 e perfis de alumínio na liga ASTM 8221 6082 T6. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 30/11/2023 [Submission Due Date] 30/11/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63014.011340/2023-21 [Contract Number] 70200/23-11/00 [Awarded ] Pierce Aluminum Company Inc. [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 06/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 06/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of optronic accessories for the 5.56mm M16A2 and M16A4 assault rifles, in order to meet the needs of the Marine Material Command. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna pública a Licitação nº 06/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinada à aquisição de equipamentos optrônicos aplicados aos fuzis de assalto 5,56 mm M16A2 e M16A4, a fim de atender a necessidade do Comando do Material de Fuzileiros Navais. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 31/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 10/11/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002368/2023-11 [Contract Number] 70200/23-09/00 - 70200/23-10/00 [Awarded ] Nightline / World Trade Services [Contract Date] 08/12/2023 [Value] U$697220.92 [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] "Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material - ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 29/2023” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 29/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001788/2023-18 Objective: Acquisition and installation of one (01) HF Radio Transceiver System with transmission power of 1 kW in Broadband, to be installed in a Brazilian Navy Radio Station, according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: October 26, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00029-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00029-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 26, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: November 9th, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 24/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 08/11/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 05/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 05/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the Acquisition of 06 (six) units of mine detectors with ground-penetrating radar, along with a training program for 10 (ten) military staff. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº. 04/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de 06 (seis) detectores de minas com radar de penetração no solo, seus componentes e acessórios e pacote de treinamento para 10 militares. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 24/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 06/11/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002153/2023-92 [Contract Number] 70200/23-07/00 [Awarded ] IED DETECTION SYSTEM LLC [Contract Date] 21/11/2023 [Value] U$148925.48 [Validity] 21/11/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] ELECTRONIC BID 40/2023 - Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 40/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001464/2023-71 Objective: Acquisition of one (01) HF Communications Remote Control System (Message Automation and Remote Control) to be used in the Radio Stations of the Brazilian Navy (MB), according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: October 24, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00040-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00040-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 24, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: November 7th, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 23/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 06/11/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63394.001464/2023-71 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] ELECTRONIC BID 39/2023 - Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63268.006831/2023-79. Objective: Acquisition of four (04) HF Communication Systems (Split-Site Radios, Message Automation, and Control) to be used in the Radio Stations of the Brazilian Navy (MB), according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: October 20, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00039-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00039-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 20, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: November 1st, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 19/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 31/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63268.006831/2023-79. [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 04/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 04/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of 3 (three) broadband HF whip antenna units for operation between 2 and 30 MHz, NSN 5985-200-01-9925, reference model VBBA 2-30, to meet the supply of HF whip antennas broadband of the Naval Resources of the Brazilian Navy. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº. 04/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de 3 (três) unidades de antena HF whip de banda larga para operação entre 2 e 30 MHz, NSN 5985-200-01-9925, modelo de referência VBBA 2-30, para atender o fornecimento de antenas HF whip banda larga dos Meios Navais da Marinha do Brasil. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 19/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 31/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002124/2023-21 [Contract Number] 70200/2023-06/00 [Awarded ] VALOM MANUFACTURING GROUP INC [Contract Date] 14/11/2023 [Value] U$123000.00 [Validity] 14/11/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] 22/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 22/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001660/2023-46 Objective: Acquisition of HF and UHF Transceiver for Training Ship “Brasil”. Total Items Tendered: 2. Availability of Tender Document: October 13, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00022-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00022-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 13, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: October 26, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 10/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 26/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] 18/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 18/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001350/2023-21 Objective: Acquisition of Interior Communications System with remote voice operation for the radios of the Training Ship "Brasil", according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in the Notice and its annexes which can be obtained here. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: October 11, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00018-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00031-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 11, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: October 25, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 10/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 25/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] 31/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 31/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001585/2023-82 Objective: Acquisition of Spare Equipment to be used in Satellite Communication Terminals, according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in the Notice and its annexes which can be obtained here. Total Items Tendered: 5. Availability of Tender Document: October 04, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00031-2023 (https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00031-2023) Submission of Proposals: starting from October 04, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). Opening of Proposals: October 18, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras (http://www.gov.br/compras). [Bid Method ] ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 31/2023 [Publish Date] 03/10/2023 [Submission Due Date] 04/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] Licitación Electrónica No. 03/2023 de la Agregaduría Naval de Brasil en Paraguay [Object] El objeto de esta licitación es la elección de la propuesta más ventajosa para la contratación de servicios relacionados con el transporte de vehículos y equipajes no acompañados para personal militar de la Agregaduría Naval de Brasil en Paraguay, de acuerdo con las condiciones, cantidades y requisitos estabelecidos en este Aviso Público y sus anexos. ============================================================================ O objeto da presente licitação é a seleção da proposta mais vantajosa para a contratação de serviços relacionados ao transporte de veículos e bagagens desacompanhadas para militares da Adidância Naval Brasileira no Paraguai, conforme as condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus anexos. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 25/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 05/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 61082.000109/2023-73 [Contract Number] 01/2023 da Adidância Naval do Brasil no Paraguai [Awarded ] Asunción Vanpack SRL [Contract Date] 17/10/2023 [Value] U$152700.00 [Validity] 17/10/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 28/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 28/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001464/2023-71 Objective: Acquisition of one (01) HF Communications Remote Control System (Message Automation and Remote Control) to be used in the Radio Stations of the Brazilian Navy (MB), according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: September 20, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00028-2023. Submission of Proposals: starting from September 20, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. Opening of Proposals: October 3, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. ------------------------------------- AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO PREGÃO ELETRÔNICO Nº 28/2023 Organização Militar: Centro Logístico do Material da Marinha Código da Organização Militar (UASG): 740014 Número do Processo: 63394.001464/2023-71 Objeto: Aquisição de um (01) Sistema de Telecomando de Comunicações em HF (Automação de Mensagens e Controle Remoto), a ser empregado nas Estações Rádio da Marinha do Brasil (MB), conforme condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus anexos. Total de Itens Licitados: 1. Disponibilidade do Edital: 20/09/2023 das 09h00 às 12h00 e das 13h00 às 16h00, no seguinte endereço: Rua Primeiro de Março, 118, 21º e 23º Andares, Centro, - Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil, CEP 20010-000; ou pelo site https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00028-2023. Entrega das Propostas: a partir de 20/09/2023 às 09h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. Abertura das Propostas: 03/10/2023 às 10h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 20/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 03/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63394.001464/2023-71 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 24/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE Eletronic Bidding Number 24/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Organization Military Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63394.001464/2023-71. Objective: Acquisition, installation, activation, and integration of a Satellite Communications Terminal operating in the X band with 2 (two) antennas, on board the Multipurpose Dock Ship "Bahia" (NDM Bahia). Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: September 22, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000, or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00024-2023. Submission of Proposals: starting from September 22, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. Opening of Proposals: October 9, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. ------------------------------------- AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO PREGÃO ELETRÔNICO Nº 24/2023 Organização Militar: Centro Logístico do Material da Marinha Código da Organização Militar (UASG): 740014 Número do Processo: 63394.001464/2023-71. Objeto: Aquisição, instalação, ativação e integração de um Terminal de Comunicações por Satélite operando na banda X com 2 (duas) antenas, a bordo do Navio Doca Multipropósito “Bahia” (NDM Bahia), conforme condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus anexos. Total de Itens Licitados: 1. Disponibilidade de Edital: 22/09/2023 das 09h00 às 12h00 e das 13h00 às 16h00, no seguinte endereço: Rua Primeiro de Março, 118, 21º e 23º Andares, Centro, - Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil, CEP 20010-000 ou pelo site https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00024-2023. Entrega das Propostas: a partir de 22/09/2023 às 09h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. Abertura das Propostas: 09/10/2023 às 10h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 22/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 02/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63394.001464/2023-71 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 17/2023 from the Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” [Object] BIDDING NOTICE ELECTRONIC BIDDING NUMBER 17/2023 Brazilian Navy “Logistics Center for Navy Material” Military Organization Code (UASG): 740014 Process Number: 63268.006831/2023-79. Objective: Acquisition of four (04) HF Communication Systems (Split-Site Radios, Message Automation, and Control) to be used in the Radio Stations of the Brazilian Navy (MB), according to the conditions, quantities, and requirements established in this Notice and its annexes. Total Items Tendered: 1. Availability of Tender Document: September 13, 2023, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the following address: 118 First of March Street, 21st and 23rd Floors, Downtown, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, ZIP Code 20010-000; or on the website https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00017-2023. Submission of Proposals: Starting from September 13, 2023, at 9:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. Opening of Proposals: October 5, 2023, at 10:00 AM on the website www.gov.br/compras. ------------------------------------- AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO PREGÃO ELETRÔNICO Nº 17/2023 Organização Militar: Centro Logístico do Material da Marinha Código da Organização Militar (UASG): 740014 Número do Processo: 63268.006831/2023-79. Objeto: Aquisição de quatro (04) Sistemas de Comunicações HF (Rádios em Sítios Separados - Split-Site, Automação de Mensagens e Controle), a serem empregados nas Estações Rádio da Marinha do Brasil (MB), conforme condições, quantidades e exigências estabelecidas neste Edital e seus anexos. Total de Itens Licitados: 1. Disponibilidade do Edital: 13/09/2023 das 09h00 às 12h00 e das 13h00 às 16h00, no seguinte endereço: Rua Primeiro de Março, 118, 21º e 23º Andares, Centro, - Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brasil, CEP 20010-000; ou pelo site https://www.gov.br/compras/edital/740014-5-00017-2023. Entrega das Propostas: a partir de 13/09/2023 às 09h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. Abertura das Propostas: 05/10/2023 às 10h00 no site www.gov.br/compras. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 13/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 05/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63268.006831/2023-79 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] RECTIFICATION of the Bidding Process in the form of International Competition No. 01/2023 - The 1st Naval District Command [Object] AVISO DE RETIFICAÇÃO DE LICITAÇÃO CONCORRÊNCIA INTERNACIONAL Nº 01/2023 O Comando do 1º Distrito Naval, UASG 781000, vem por meio deste aviso divulgar a RETIFICAÇÃO do Processo Licitatório na modalidade Concorrência Internacional nº 01/2023 autuado sob o nº 62002.007852/2023-60 cujo objeto é a aquisição de 2 (duas) Lanchas especializadas em serviços de Busca e Salvamento (LSAR). O Edital e seus anexos retificados encontram-se disponibilizados no endereço eletrônico: https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br, no site do Com1ºDN pelo link https://www.marinha.mil.br/com1dn, ou ainda, fisicamente a partir de 20/09/2023 das 08:30 às 15:30 no endereço Praça Mauá, 65, Centro - Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brasil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The 1st Naval District Command, UASG 781000, hereby announces the RECTIFICATION of the Bidding Process in the form of International Competition No. 01/2023, registered under No. 62002.007852/2023-60, the object of which is the acquisition of a 2 (two) Speedboats specialized in Search and Rescue services (LSAR). The rectified Auction Notice and its annexes are available at: https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br, on the Com1ºDN website athttps://www.marinha.mil.br/com1dn, or and physically from September 20, 2023 from 08:30 a.m. to 03:30 p.m. (Brasilia-DF time) at 65 Praça Mauá Centro, Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 20/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 20/09/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] Brazilian Naval Commission in Washinton - Bid Process No. 01/2023 from the 1st Naval District Command [Object] The 1st Naval District Command, UASG 781000, hereby announces the Bidding Process #01/2023, in the form of International Competition, registered under # 62002.007852/ 2023-60, the object of which is the acquisition of a speedboat specialized in Search and Rescue services, in accordance with the conditions, quantities and requirements set out in the Auction Notice and its Annexes, available at: https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br and physically from September 01st, 2023 from 08:30 a.m. to 03:30 p.m. (Brasília-DF time) at 65 Praça Mauá, Centro - Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brazil, CEP 20.081-240. Bidders must submit their qualification documents and price proposal envelopes up to 09:30 a.m. (Brasília-DF time) on October 03, 2023, in accordance with the conditions set out in the Auction Notice and its Annexes. A meeting will be held, open to all interested parties, in order to resolve doubts and provide clarifications, on September 12, 2023, at 09:00 a.m. (Brasília-DF time) at the address of the Command of the 1st Naval District. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- O Comando do 1º Distrito Naval, UASG 781000, vem por meio deste aviso divulgar o Processo Licitatório nº 01/2023, na modalidade Concorrência Internacional, autuado sob o nº 62002.007852/2023-60, cujo objeto é a aquisição de Lancha especializada em serviços de Busca e Salvamento (LSAR), conforme condições, quantidades e exigência s estabelecidas no Edital e seus anexos, disponibilizados no endereço eletrônico: https://www.gov.br/compras/pt-br e, fisicamente, a partir de 01/09/2023 das 08:30 às 15:30 no endereço Praça Mauá, 65, Centro - Rio de Janeiro / RJ, Brasil, CEP 20.081-240. Os licitantes deverão apresentar seus documentos de habilitação e envelopes de proposta de preço até às 09h30, horário de Brasília, do dia 03/10/2023, conforme condições estabelecidas no Edital e seus anexos. Será realizada reunião, aberta a todos os interessados, a fim de dirimir dúvidas e prover esclarecimentos, no dia 12/09/2023, às 09h00, horário de Brasília-DF, no endereço do Comando do 1º Distrito Naval. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 01/09/2023 [Submission Due Date] 03/10/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] [Bid Number] Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, Public Consultation for the 1st Naval District Command [Object] The 1st Naval District Command, pursuant to its legal authority, hereby resolves to submit to public consultation the request for information for the future procurement of a specialized boat for Search and Rescue services. Interested parties may submit substantiated contributions via email to com1dn.licitacao@marinha.mil.br until the 8th of August 8 2023. The information related to this consultation will be available on the website https://www.marinha.mil.br/com1dn. The contributions will be analyzed and disclosed during a public hearing, with a maximum duration of 2 hours, to be held on 10th August 2023, at 10 a.m., through the following link: Meeting number: 2553 439 1286 Password: aC2paUBzt53 Join by video system Dial <25534391286@partnersg.webex.com>. You can also dial and enter your meeting number. ===================================== O Comando do 1º Distrito Naval, no uso de suas atribuições legais, resolve submeter à consulta pública a solicitação de informações para futura aquisição de Lancha especializada em serviços de Busca e Salvamento (LSAR). Os interessados poderão enviar contribuições fundamentadas por meio do email com1dn.licitacao@marinha.mil.br até o dia 08 de agosto de 2023. As informações referentes à consulta ficarão disponíveis no sítio eletrônico https://www.marinha.mil.br/com1dn . As contribuições serão analisadas e divulgadas, em audiência pública, com duração máxima de 2 horas, a ser realizada no dia 10 de agosto de 2023, às 10 horas, pelo link: Número da reunião: 2553 439 1286 Senha: aC2paUBzt53 Entrar pelo sistema de vídeo Disque <25534391286@partnersg.webex.com>. Você também pode discar e inserir seu número de reunião. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 31/07/2023 [Submission Due Date] 08/08/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 02/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, informs all interested parties, the opening of the Bidding Process Nº. 02/2023, in the form of a Online Reverse Bid Auction, to be awarded to the LOWEST PRICE PER LOT for the supply of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) to the Brazilian Frigate "Defensora" and the Brazilian Training Ship "NE Brasil" in the Ports of Cartagena (COL) and Baltimore (USA). This is a Classified Bidding Process, and interested companies, registered in the Brazilian Navy system, may request the Notice and its Annexes via e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, dá publicidade para todas das empresas interessadas, a abertura do Processo Licitatório Nº 02/2023, na modalidade de Pregão, na forma eletrônica, com critério de julgamento pelo MENOR PREÇO POR LOTE para o abastecimento de Combustível (ODM) da Fragata “Defensora” e Navio Escola “Brasil” nos Portos de Cartagena (COL) e Baltimore (EUA). Trata-se de Processo Licitatório classificado como Reservado, podendo as empresas interessadas, cadastradas no sistema da Marinha do Brasil, solicitar o Edital e seus Anexos por meio do e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br . [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 22/06/2023 [Submission Due Date] 22/06/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001342/2023-48 [Contract Number] 70200/23-03/00 e 70200/23-04/00 [Awarded ] [Contract Date] 10/07/2023 [Value] U$423300.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] Subasta Eletrónica 01/2023 de la Agregaduria Naval en Colombia [Object] Contratación de servicios referentes al transporte de equipajes desacompañados de militares de la Agregaduría Naval de Brasil en Colombia (AdiNavColombia) de sus residencias en Colombia, incluyendo fas ciudades de Bogotá, Coveñas y Melgar, para sus residencias en el Brasil. ======================================================================== Contratação de serviços referentes ao transporte de bagagens desacompanhadas de militares da Adidância Naval do Brasil na Colômbia (AdiNavColômbia) de suas residências na Colômbia, incluindo as cidades de Bogotá, Coveñas e Melgar, para suas residências no Brasil, [Bid Method ] Subasta Eletrónica /Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 05/06/2023 [Submission Due Date] 16/06/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 60918.000038/2023-76 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] Brazilian Navy “Navy Intention Center in Niterói” PUBLIC BID # 002/2023 [Object] Brazilian Navy “Navy Intention Center in Niterói” PUBLIC BID # 002/2023 OBJECTIVE: Port support service, by a qualified maritime agent to meet the logistical needs of the Brazilian Navy School Ship “BRASIL” in international ports. QUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS and PRICE PROPOSALS: bidders must present their qualification documents and price proposal envelopes by 9:15 am, Brasília time, on 22/06/2023, to the address below: Command Auditorium in chief of the Police Station, Ilha de Mocanguê 24049-900, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Tel.: +55 21 2189-4761 / 2189-4754. ENABLING DOCUMENTS: will open at 9:30 am JUNE 22 at the same address. The ANNOUNCEMENT with the bidding REQUIREMENTS can be obtained at the Navy Intendence Center in Niterói from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Brasília time, on working days or requested by e-mail ceimni.licitacao@marinha.mil.br. ============================================================================ Serviço de apoio portuário, por agente marítimo capacitado para atender as necessidades logísticas para o Navio-Escola “BRASIL” da Marinha do Brasil em Portos internacionais. DOCUMENTOS DE HABILITAÇÃO e PROPOSTAS DE PREÇO: Os licitantes deverão apresentar seus documentos de habilitação e envelopes de proposta de preço até às 09h15, horário de Brasília, do dia 22/06/2023, para o endereço abaixo: Auditório do Comando em chefe da Esquadra, Ilha de Mocanguê 24049-900, Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Tel.: +55 21 2189-1561 / 2189-4754. DOCUMENTOS HABILITADORES: será aberto às 09h30 de JUNE 22 no mesmo endereço. O ANÚNCIO com os REQUISITOS de licitação pode ser obtido no Centro de Intendência da Marinha em Niterói das 9h00 às 15h00, horário de Brasília, em dias úteis ou solicitado pelo e-mail ceimni.licitacao@marinha.mil.br. [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 25/05/2023 [Submission Due Date] 25/05/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2023 [Bid Number] 01/2023 [Object] The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes public the Bid Process Nº. 01/2023, Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of Individual Ballistic Protective Equipment, its components and accessories for the operative units of the Marine Corps. This is a Classified Bidding Process, and interested companies, registered in the Brazilian Navy system, may request the Notice and its Annexes via e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede à 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, dá publicidade ao Processo Licitatório Nº. 01/2023, modalidade Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de Equipamentos de Proteção Balística Individual (EPBI), seus componentes e acessórios para as unidades operativas do Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais. Trata-se de Processo Licitatório classificado como Reservado, podendo as empresas interessadas, cadastradas no sistema da Marinha do Brasil, solicitar o Edital e seus Anexos por meio do e-mail cnbw.bid@marinha.mil.br. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 03/05/2023 [Submission Due Date] 15/05/2023 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000326/2023-38 [Contract Number] 70200/23-02/00 [Awarded ] SARKAR TACTICAL INC [Contract Date] 08/08/2023 [Value] U$743612.30 [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 03/2022 da Adidância Naval do Brasil no Paraguai (Modalidade Pregão Eletrônico) [Object] Contratação do serviço de transporte de bagagem e/ou veículos de militares integrantes do Destacamento de Segurança de Embaixada do Brasil no Paraguai e do Adido Naval do Brasil no Paraguai. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 08/11/2022 [Submission Due Date] 18/11/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 61082000179/2022-41 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] Asuncion Vanpack S.R.L [Contract Date] [Value] U$62140.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 11/2022 [Object] To hire a company specialized in providing booking, issuing, and delivering domestic airline tickets (United States of America) and International airline tickets for flights originating in the United States of America or, occasionally, from other countries in the Americas, China, Korea, or Japan (areas inside the jurisdiction of the Brazilian Naval Commission). Serviço de reserva, emissão e entrega de bilhetes de passagens aéreas Domésticas (Estados Unidos da América), e Internacionais, para voos com origem nos Estados Unidos da América ou, ocasionalmente, originalmente de países das Américas, China, Coreia e Japão (área de jurisdição da CNBW). [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 08/11/2022 [Submission Due Date] 21/11/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002830/2022-91 [Contract Number] 70200/22-20/00 [Awarded ] DUMONDE GROUP LLC [Contract Date] 29/12/2022 [Value] U$400000.00 [Validity] 11/12/2022 a 10/12/2023 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 10/2022 [Object] Acquisition of Marine Gas 011 (MGO) to supply the Brazilian Training Ship “Brasil”, on the occasion of the Commission on the XXXVI Midshipmen Instruction Trip (VIGM) - CLASSIFIED. Aquisição de Óleo Diesel Marítimo (0DM) para abastecimento do Navio-Escola “Brasil”, por ocasião da sua Comissão XXXVI Viagem de Instrução de Guardas-Marinha (VIGM) - RESERVADO. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 28/09/2022 [Submission Due Date] 07/10/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002461/2022-37 [Contract Number] 70200/22-17/00 e 70200/22-16/00 [Awarded ] Clipper Oil, Inc e Sociedad Comercial Vicam Spa [Contract Date] 13/10/2022 [Value] U$593417.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 08/2022 [Object] Acquisition of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) to supply the Cisne Branco Tall Ship (NveCisneBranco), on the occasion of its Velas Latinoamérica 2022 Commission - CLASSIFIED. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 17/06/2022 [Submission Due Date] 27/06/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001693/2022-78 [Contract Number] 70200/22-08/00 - USD 29,400.00; 70200/22-09/00 - USD 35,505.00; [Awarded ] Sociedad Comercial VICAM SPA; Black Bull Logistics, SL. [Contract Date] 27/07/2022 [Value] U$64905.00 [Validity] 05 Julho de 2022 à 05 Julho 2023; 06 Julho de 2022 à 06 Julho de 2023. ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 07/2022 [Object] Acquisition of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Lubricant to supply the Tikuna Submarine at the Port Mayport (USA) - CLASSIFIED. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 12/05/2022 [Submission Due Date] 19/05/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001110/2022-17 [Contract Number] 70200/22-05/00 - USD 8,923.20 , 70200/22-06/00 - USD 192,400.00 e 70200/22-07/00 - USD 2,459.23. [Awarded ] Clipper Oil, INC, Sociedad Comercial VICAM SPA e BMS United. [Contract Date] 01/06/2022 [Value] U$203782.43 [Validity] 01JUN2022 à 04JUN2023; 01JUN2022 à 01JUN2023. ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 09/2022 [Object] Contratação de serviço de transporte de bagagem e/ou veículos de militares integrantes do Destacamento de Segurança de Embaixada do Brasil no Paraguai. Hiring baggage and/or vehicle transport service for military personnel from the Security Detachment of the Brazilian Embassy in Paraguay. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 12/08/2022 [Submission Due Date] 23/08/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002219/2022-63 [Contract Number] 02/2022 [Awarded ] Asunción Vanpack SRL [Contract Date] 26/08/2022 [Value] U$68835.00 [Validity] 26 de agosto de 2022 à 30 de dezembro de 2022. ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 05/2022 [Object] Acquisition of 05 HF Radio Transceiver System with 1kw output power. - CLASSIFIED [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 01/08/2022 [Submission Due Date] 09/08/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000638/2022-61 [Contract Number] 70200/22-11 [Awarded ] Collins Rockwell, INC. [Contract Date] 01/11/2022 [Value] U$840000.00 [Validity] 01/11/2022 a 09/09/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 06/2022 [Object] Lease of 01 sedan type vehicle, which will be intended for the functional use of the Vice-Director of the Strategy, Policy and Plans Directorate (J5) of the United States Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM), in Miami, Florida. Please note: The deadline for submission of proposals and qualification documents was extended untill MAY 6th at 6pm EST. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 26/04/2022 [Submission Due Date] 06/05/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001053/2022-68 [Contract Number] 01005/22-01 [Awarded ] U.S Automotive Leasing Services, INC. [Contract Date] 10/05/2022 [Value] U$721.00 [Validity] 14 Maio de 2022 a 14 Maio de 2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 03/2022 [Object] Acquisition of Accessories for Night Vision and Weapons - CLASSIFIED. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 15/03/2022 [Submission Due Date] 31/03/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.003050/2021-88 [Contract Number] Números dos Contratos: 70200/22-02/01 - USD 278,555.10; 70200/22-03/01 - USD 260,184.76; 70200/22-04/01 - USD 57,000.00; [Awarded ] World Trade Service, INC.; USIQ, INC. e Nightline INC. [Contract Date] 18/05/2022 [Value] U$595739.86 [Validity] 18/05/2022 -18/12/2023; 18/05/2022 -18/12/2023 e 18/05/2022 -18/12/2023 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 02/2022 CANCELED (Revogado) [Object] Acquisition of Marine Location Marker for Aircraft Squadrons of the Brazilian Navy. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 11/02/2022 [Submission Due Date] 18/02/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001849/2021-30 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2022 [Bid Number] 01/2022 [Object] Lease of 01 Vehicle for functional use of the Brazilian Naval Attaché to the United States, Sedan type, year 2022. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 03/02/2022 [Submission Due Date] 03/02/2022 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.00000082/2022-11 [Contract Number] 70200/22-01/00 [Awarded ] U.S Automotive Leasing Services, INC. [Contract Date] 16/02/2022 [Value] U$680.00 [Validity] 01 Março de 2022 a 01 Março de 2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2021 [Bid Number] 04/2021 [Object] Supply of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Lubricant for the Brazilian Training Ship “Brasil” at the Ports of Fort Lauderdale e Cartagena.   If you wish to participate in this BID please send an email to gisele.beaudoin@marinha.mil.br for more informations.  [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 18/11/2021 [Submission Due Date] 18/11/2021 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002304/2021-41 [Contract Number] 70200-21-08-00, 70200-21-09-00 e 70200-21-10-00 [Awarded ] Minerva Bunkering PTE LTD e Clipper Oil, INC [Contract Date] 30/11/2021 [Value] U$264050.00 [Validity] 30/06/2022 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2021 [Bid Number] 03/2021 [Object] Replacement of the Air Conditioning and Heating System of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington. Substituição do Sistema de Ar Condicionado e Aquecimento da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) [Publish Date] 05/11/2021 [Submission Due Date] 12/11/2021 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002213/2021-13 [Contract Number] 70200/21-07/00 [Awarded ] Calvert Mechanical Solutions [Contract Date] 23/11/2021 [Value] U$349000.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2021 [Bid Number] 02/2021-CANCELED (Revogado) [Object] Acquisition of Ballistic Protection Equipment [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 24/09/2021 [Submission Due Date] 11/10/2021 [Revocation Date] 25/10/2021 [NUP] 63150.001438/2021-44 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2021 [Bid Number] 01/2021 [Object] Serviço de Limpeza do Edifício e Áreas Comuns da "Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington" - Cleaning Service of the "Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington" Building and Common Areas. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 27/04/2021 [Submission Due Date] 30/04/2021 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000724/2021-92 [Contract Number] 70200/21-02/00 [Awarded ] JackPot Janitorial & Commercial Services, LCC [Contract Date] 05/05/2021 [Value] U$50400.00 [Validity] 10/05/2022 a 10/05/2023 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 7/2020 [Object] Abastecimento de óleo diesel marítimo e lubrificante do Navio Escola Brasil. Suppling of MGO for the Brazilian Training Ship Brasil - RESERVADO - CLASSIFIED [Bid Method ] Pregão [Publish Date] 24/09/2020 [Submission Due Date] 06/10/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001709/2020-81 [Contract Number] 70200/20-05/00 - USD 41, 574.59, 70200/20-06/00 - USD 62,144.39, 70200/20-08/00 - USD 59,200.02, 70200/20-09/00 - USD 60,189.54, 70200/20-10/00 - USD 143,497.25, 70200/21-01/00 - USD 153,454.95, 70200/21-02/00 - 56,936.15 [Awarded ] AEG Fuels, Clipper Oil, Inc. [Contract Date] [Value] U$576996.89 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 6/2020 [Object] Aquisição de equipamentos de proteção balística.RESERVADO [Bid Method ] Pregão [Publish Date] 24/09/2020 [Submission Due Date] 13/10/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001251/2020-60 [Contract Number] 70200/20-07/00 [Awarded ] Sarkar Tactical, Inc [Contract Date] 03/12/2020 [Value] U$937501.40 [Validity] 03DEZ2020 até entrega completa. ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 5/2020 [Object] Contratação de empresa de frete para transporte nacional e internacional de cargas por meios terrestre, marítimo e aéreo, incluindo o seguro de transporte. Hiring a freight company for national and international cargo transport by land, sea, and air, including transport insurance. [Bid Method ] Pregão [Publish Date] 05/08/2020 [Submission Due Date] 21/08/2020 [Revocation Date] 14/09/2023 [NUP] 63150.001196/202-16 [Contract Number] 70200/20-04/00 [Awarded ] Schenker, Inc. [Contract Date] 14/09/2020 [Value] U$58636.80 [Validity] Aditivo 04 - 14SET2023 a 14SET2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 10/2019 [Object] Abastecimento de óleo combustível marítimo para o Navio Polar Alte. Maximiano no porto de Punta Arenas, Chile. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 21/10/2019 [Submission Due Date] 23/10/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002374/2019-84 [Contract Number] P2019-M005 [Awarded ] Agencias Universales S.A. - AGUNSA [Contract Date] 24/10/2019 [Value] U$208306.40 [Validity] 24OUT2019 a 24DEZ2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 4/2020 [Object] Aquisição de Marcador de Localização Marítima para os Esquadrões de Aeronaves da Marinha do Brasil - CLASSIFIED. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 10/07/2020 [Submission Due Date] 23/07/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000806/2020-56 [Contract Number] P2020-7051/00 [Awarded ] HFI Pyrotechnics, Inc. [Contract Date] 09/11/2020 [Value] U$260120.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 3/2020 [Object] Aquisição de defensas hidropneumáticas para submarinos da Marinha do Brasil. Acquisition of hydro-pneumatic fenders for Brazilian Navy submarines. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 11/05/2020 [Submission Due Date] 21/05/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000635/2020-65 [Contract Number] P2020-0018 [Awarded ] Pacific Marine & Industrial [Contract Date] [Value] U$142971.00 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 2/2020 [Object] Locação de dois veículos para a Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington. [Bid Method ] Pregão Eletrônico [Publish Date] 16/04/2020 [Submission Due Date] 22/04/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000407/2020-95 [Contract Number] 70200/20-02/00 e 70200/20-03/00 [Awarded ] Ourisman Honda [Contract Date] 28/04/2020 [Value] U$35656.00 [Validity] 28/04/2020 a 28/04/2023 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2020 [Bid Number] 1/2020 - Licitação Deserta [Object] Remoção e Substituição do Sistema de Aquecimento, Ventilação e Ar Condicionado (HVAC). [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 21/02/2020 [Submission Due Date] 13/03/2020 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000222/2020-81 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 07/2016 [Object] Aquisição de veículo tipo Van com capacidade para 12 passageiros.  ----- REVOGADO ----- [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 27/10/2016 [Submission Due Date] 09/11/2016 [Revocation Date] 15/11/2016 [NUP] 63150.002363/2016-51 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 01/2016 [Object] Modernização do sistema de ar condicionado do prédio da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 13/05/2016 [Submission Due Date] 01/06/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001021/2016-14 [Contract Number] 70200/16-001/00 [Awarded ] Calvert Mechanical Solutions [Contract Date] 03/08/2016 [Value] U$47022.00 [Validity] 03AGO2016 a 02AGO2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 13/2019 [Object] Contratação de empresa para o fornecimento de refeições diárias para o pessoal da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington. Hiring a company to provide daily meals for the Brazilian Naval Commission staff in Washington. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 04/12/2019 [Submission Due Date] 13/12/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002717/2019-19 [Contract Number] 70200/20-01/06 [Awarded ] Copacabana Catering LLC [Contract Date] 23/03/2023 [Value] U$198000.00 [Validity] Aditivo 06 - 03/04/2024 a 16/01/2025 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 12/2019 [Object] Aquisição de Equipamento de Informática. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 22/11/2019 [Submission Due Date] 03/12/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002632/2019-22 [Contract Number] 70200/19-09/00 [Awarded ] Dell Markenting LP [Contract Date] 12/12/2019 [Value] U$7892.17 [Validity] 18DEZ2019 a 07JAN2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 09/2019 [Object] Abastecimento do navio NE Brasil nos portos de Baltimore, EUA, e de San Juan, Porto Rico. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 15/10/2019 [Submission Due Date] 22/10/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002286/2019-82 [Contract Number] 70200/19-05/00 [Awarded ] Clipper Oil Company [Contract Date] 05/11/2019 [Value] U$243834.00 [Validity] 05NOV2019 a 05JAN2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 18/2017 - Termo Aditivo Nº 2 [Object] Termo Aditivo Nº 2: Aumento de quantidade de refeições fornecidas à CNBW. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 12/12/2017 [Submission Due Date] 22/10/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002810/2017-53 [Contract Number] 70200/18-01/02 [Awarded ] Copacabana Catering LLC [Contract Date] 31/10/2019 [Value] U$5135.13 [Validity] 04NOV2019 a 17JAN2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 11/2019 [Object] Contratação de serviço de leasing de uma viatura tipo van, a ser utilizada pelo Conselheiro Militar da Missão Permanente do Brasil junto às Nações Unidas. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 28/10/2019 [Submission Due Date] 04/11/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002375/2019-29 [Contract Number] Apólice nº L4111 [Awarded ] USAL - Automotive & Equipment Leasing [Contract Date] 27/11/2019 [Value] U$21168.00 [Validity] 01DEZ2019 a 30NOV2022 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 04/2015 [Object] Extensão da vigência do contrato do agente embarcador contratado para o serviço de frete doméstico e internacional para atender a CNBW. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 18/05/2015 [Submission Due Date] 01/06/2015 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001704/2015-91 [Contract Number] 70200/15-08/05 [Awarded ] Karpele Freight Services [Contract Date] 30/07/2019 [Value] [Validity] 30JUL2019 a 30JUL2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 07/2019 - Revogado [Object] Contratação de empresa de abastecimento de óleo marítimo e lubrificante para atender os navios NPoAlteMaximiano, NApOcAryRongel e NEBrasil. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 09/09/2019 [Submission Due Date] 18/09/2019 [Revocation Date] 15/10/2019 [NUP] 63150.001857/2019-61 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 06/2017 [Object] Aquisição de eixo de propulsão. Conversores de torque e câmbios de velocidade. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 23/03/2017 [Submission Due Date] 06/04/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000582/2017-87 [Contract Number] 70200/17-05/00 - P2017-0044/01 [Awarded ] Propulsion Systems Inc. [Contract Date] 27/07/2017 [Value] U$88146.00 [Validity] 27JUL2017 a 27MAI2018 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 08/2017 [Object] Abastecimento dos navios NpaBracuí, NpaGuanabara e NpaGuaíba, na operação CARIBEX-2017 nos postos Paramaribo, San Juane Fort-de-France [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 25/05/2017 [Submission Due Date] 05/06/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001094/2017-97 [Contract Number] 70200/17-03/00 e 70200/17-04/00 [Awarded ] BMS United Bunkers e Clipper Oil Inc [Contract Date] 08/06/2017 [Value] U$77648.00 [Validity] 08JUN2017 a 30JUN2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 05/2017 [Object] "Amendment 01" - Seguro de Propriedade e Compensação de Trabalhadores da CNBW. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 24/04/2017 [Submission Due Date] 28/04/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000711/2018-18 [Contract Number] ACPGLDO3008144099 [Awarded ] Nationwide – Bay Area Insurance Group LLC [Contract Date] 03/05/2019 [Value] U$10873.01 [Validity] 04MAI2019 a 04MAI2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 18/2017 - Termo Aditivo nº 1 [Object] Fornececimento de alimentação diária  para o pessoal da  CNBW [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] [Submission Due Date] [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002810/2017-53 [Contract Number] 70200/18-01/01 [Awarded ] Copacabana Catering LLC. [Contract Date] 07/01/2019 [Value] U$160056.00 [Validity] 17JAN2019 a 17JAN2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 14/2017 [Object] Aquisição de um projetor e lentes para atender necessidades Escola de Guerra Naval (Auditório Tamandaré) [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 11/10/2017 [Submission Due Date] 18/10/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002179/2017-92 [Contract Number] P2017-0152 [Awarded ] B & H Photo & Electronic Corp. [Contract Date] 23/10/2017 [Value] U$31043.44 [Validity] 24OUT2017 - 21NOV2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 05/2019 [Object] Contratação de empresa de transporte para as mudanças de bens domésticos do pessoal da Marinha Brasileira em retorno dos Estados Unidos e do Canadá para o Brasil. Hiring a transport company to move household goods for Brazilian Navy personnel returning from the United States and Canada to Brazil. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 23/05/2019 [Submission Due Date] 05/06/2019 [Revocation Date] 14/06/2023 [NUP] 63150.001121/2019-93 [Contract Number] 70200/19-04/00 [Awarded ] Formula Global Mobility LLC, DBA Granero Moving/G-Inter [Contract Date] 26/06/2019 [Value] U$1044728.00 [Validity] 21/06/2023 a 21/06/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 04/2019 [Object] Seguro de saúde, odontológico e de visão para os membros da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington. Health, dental and vision insurance for the members of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 17/05/2019 [Submission Due Date] 31/05/2019 [Revocation Date] 22/06/2023 [NUP] 63150.001116/2019-81 [Contract Number] 70200/19-03/00 [Awarded ] USI Insurance Services LLC [Contract Date] 25/06/2019 [Value] U$421929.60 [Validity] 22/06/2023 a 22/06/2024 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 03/2019 [Object] Locação de 01 veículo tipo sedan para a Adidância Naval nos Estados Unidos da América e Canadá. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 15/04/2019 [Submission Due Date] 24/04/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000851/2019-77 [Contract Number] UNIT # L4077 [Awarded ] USAL Automotive & Equipment Leasing [Contract Date] 14/05/2019 [Value] U$18648.00 [Validity] 01JUN2019 a 31MAI2022 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 02/2019 [Object] Serviço de limpeza do prédio da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington e áreas comuns. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 12/04/2019 [Submission Due Date] 23/04/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000840/2019-97 [Contract Number] 70200/19-02/00 [Awarded ] Best Kept Buildings [Contract Date] 08/05/2019 [Value] U$60542.10 [Validity] 09MAI2019 a 09MAI2020 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2019 [Bid Number] 01/2019 [Object] Locação de 01 veículo tipo sedan para a Adidância Naval nos Estados Unidos da América e Canadá. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 18/01/2019 [Submission Due Date] 01/02/2019 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.000195/2019-25 [Contract Number] Apólice nº A222583 [Awarded ] Ourisman Honda Bethesda [Contract Date] 05/02/2019 [Value] U$16669.00 [Validity] 05FEV2019 a 05FEV2022 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 09/2018 [Object] Equipamentos de informática para a CNBW - REVOGADO [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 14/11/2018 [Submission Due Date] 23/11/2018 [Revocation Date] 27/11/2018 [NUP] 63150.002468/2018-72 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 08/2018 [Object] Bathroom renovation [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 29/10/2018 [Submission Due Date] 08/11/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002338/2018-30 [Contract Number] 70200/18-11/00 [Awarded ] J&R General Maintenance Corp. [Contract Date] 26/11/2018 [Value] U$23950.00 [Validity] 16/11/2018 a 16/11/2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 07/2018 [Object] Aluguel (lease) de uma van de passageiros para a adidância [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 29/10/2018 [Submission Due Date] 08/11/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.002252/2018-15 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] Ourisman Honda Bethesda [Contract Date] 29/11/2018 [Value] U$18787.40 [Validity] 29/11/2018 a 29/11/2021 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 06/2018 [Object] Acquisition of Aircraft Fire Extinguisher and Cartridges [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 10/10/2018 [Submission Due Date] 24/10/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.002121/2018-20 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 05/2018 [Object] Aquisição de combustível e lubrificante para os navios da Marinha, em comissão no exterior, nos portos de Baltimore, Punta Arenas, Cartagena, Montevideo e Ushuaia. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 19/09/2018 [Submission Due Date] 20/09/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.001952/2018-84 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 05/2017 [Object] Seguro de Propriedade e Compensação de Trabalhadores [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 24/04/2017 [Submission Due Date] 28/04/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000711/2018-18 [Contract Number] ACPGLDO3008144099 [Awarded ] Nationwide – Bay Area Insurance [Contract Date] 04/06/2017 [Value] U$6955.58 [Validity] 04MAY2017 - 04MAY2018 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 06A/2017 [Object] Manutenção e limpeza das instalações e áreas comuns da CNBW. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 02/05/2017 [Submission Due Date] 04/05/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000711/2018-18 [Contract Number] 70200/17-02/00 [Awarded ] Best Kept Building [Contract Date] 06/05/2017 [Value] U$55111.50 [Validity] 08MAIO2017 a 08MAI2018 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 04/2017 [Object] Locação de dois veículos, Honda Accord-2017 e Honda Odyssey-2017. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 13/04/2017 [Submission Due Date] 20/04/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002363/2016-51 [Contract Number] Apólice nº PHPK1197797 [Awarded ] Orisman Honda Bethesda [Contract Date] 28/04/2017 [Value] U$32495.00 [Validity] 36 months ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 09/2017 [Object] Munições.  ---- Revogado ---- [Bid Method ] [Publish Date] 10/07/2017 [Submission Due Date] 04/08/2017 [Revocation Date] 09/08/2017 [NUP] [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 04/2018 [Object] Supply of Domestic and International Freight Forwarder Services of 20 units of “Amphibious Assault Vehicles” (AAV), including Inland and Ocean Transportation, and Insurance Coverage [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 23/04/2018 [Submission Due Date] 07/05/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000773/2018-20 [Contract Number] 70200/18-03/00 [Awarded ] Schenker, Inc. [Contract Date] 05/07/2018 [Value] U$682613.00 [Validity] 14/06/2018 a 13/06/2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 03/2018 (Republicação) [Object] Acquisition of one new self-propelled hydraulic crane, type RT, nominal capacity of 60t / 3.0m [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 11/04/2018 [Submission Due Date] 20/04/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000585/2018-00 [Contract Number] 70200/18-06/00 [Awarded ] Manitowoc [Contract Date] 16/10/2018 [Value] U$541580.00 [Validity] 16/10/2018 a 15/10/2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 03/2018 [Object] Acquisition of one new self-propelled hydraulic crane, type RT, nominal capacity of 60t / 3.0m [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 28/03/2018 [Submission Due Date] 10/04/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000585/2018-00 [Contract Number] 70200/18-06/00 [Awarded ] Manitowoc [Contract Date] 16/10/2018 [Value] U$541580.00 [Validity] 16/10/2018 a 15/10/2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 02/2018 [Object] Acquisition of medical supply; audio, video and photo equipments; maneuvering and patrolling equipments and machinery and equipment, for use of the Command of Material of the Brazilian Marine Corps (Brazilian Navy). [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 01/02/2018 [Submission Due Date] 09/02/2018 [Revocation Date] 24/04/2018 [NUP] 63150.000212/2018-21 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] 12 meses ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2018 [Bid Number] 01/2018 [Object] Hiring of an English Teacher with a bachelor degree and TEFL Certification  [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 31/01/2018 [Submission Due Date] 09/02/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000203/2018-30 [Contract Number] 70200/18-02/18 [Awarded ] Joann Robertson Sole Proprietor [Contract Date] 01/03/2018 [Value] U$12000.00 [Validity] 01MAR18 a 28FEV19 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 18/2017 [Object] Forncecimento de alimentação para os Oficiais, Servidores Civis e Auxiliares Locais na CNBW [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 22/12/2017 [Submission Due Date] 04/01/2018 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.002810/2017-53 [Contract Number] 70200/18-01/19 [Awarded ] Copacabana Catering LLC [Contract Date] 16/01/2018 [Value] U$156000.00 [Validity] 16JAN2018 - 15JAN2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 17/2017 [Object] Aquisição de equipamento médico: audio, vídeo and fotográfico, equipamento de manobra e patrulha. -----  Revogado ----- [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 15/12/2017 [Submission Due Date] 22/12/2017 [Revocation Date] 20/12/2017 [NUP] 63150.002760/2017-12 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 16/2017 [Object] Contratação de empresa para fornecimento de alimentação diária ao pessoal da CNBW. ----- Revogado ----- [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 04/12/2017 [Submission Due Date] 08/12/2017 [Revocation Date] 12/12/2017 [NUP] 63150.002629/2017-47 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 15/2017 [Object] Contrato com agência de turismo para aquisição de passagens aéreas. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 08/11/2017 [Submission Due Date] 16/11/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63.150.002438/2017-85 [Contract Number] 70200/17-18/00 [Awarded ] Global Travel Tours, Inc. [Contract Date] 11/12/2017 [Value] [Validity] 11DEZ2017 a 11DEZ2018 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 13/2017 [Object] Combustível para os navios NapOcARongel, NPoAlteMaximiano e NE Brasil nos portos de Nova York, Punta Arenas, Jacksonville, Ushuaia e Cartagena [Bid Method ] Carta Convite [Publish Date] 03/10/2017 [Submission Due Date] 09/10/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.00.20.81/2017-35 [Contract Number] 70200/17-11/00, 70200/17-12/, 70200/17-13/, 70200/17-14/, 70200/17-15/, 70200/17-16/ e 70200-17-17/ [Awarded ] Vicam, Plaza Marine Group, Agencias Universales, Clipper Oil, World Fuel Service, Argentina S.R.I., Trans-Tec International [Contract Date] 19/10/2017 [Value] U$2756630.00 [Validity] Various ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 11/2017 [Object] Alienação de Viatura Administrativa – Dodge Ram Van, 1994 [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 11/08/2017 [Submission Due Date] 29/08/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001711/2017-54 [Contract Number] N/A [Awarded ] Manoel Rocha Von Glehn [Contract Date] [Value] U$550.00 [Validity] N/A ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 10/2017 [Object] Aquisição de insumos de munição [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 11/08/2017 [Submission Due Date] 01/09/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001703/2017-16 [Contract Number] 70200/17-07/00 - 70200/17-08/00 - 70200/17-09/00 [Awarded ] Scepter Canada Inc. Expal Systems and Island Island Pyrochemical Industries Corporation [Contract Date] 20/11/2017 [Value] U$1755840.00 [Validity] 07NOV2017 a 27JUN2018, 27SET2017 a 17MAR2018 , 20NOV2017 a 11ABR2019 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 02/2017 [Object] Aquisição de um automóvel tipo VAN para transporte de carga e de pessoal. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 27/01/2017 [Submission Due Date] 01/02/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000543./2017-80 [Contract Number] Order 2017 Ford Transit Wagon/Last 4 VIN A18504 [Awarded ] Koons Ford Falls Church [Contract Date] 02/02/2017 [Value] U$36025.47 [Validity] 02/02/2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2017 [Bid Number] 01/2017 [Object] Abastecimento de 20 Tambores de Combustível de Aviação (JET A-1).   [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 25/01/2017 [Submission Due Date] 31/01/2017 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.000232/2017-11 [Contract Number] 70200/17-01/00 [Awarded ] Comercial Vicam LTDA [Contract Date] 02/02/2017 [Value] U$10205.00 [Validity] 04/02/2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 09/2016 [Object] Marine Fuel For Brazilian Navy Vessels in the Port of Ushuaia - Argentina ----- REVOGADO ----- [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 17/11/2016 [Submission Due Date] 28/11/2016 [Revocation Date] 05/12/2016 [NUP] 63150.002559/2016-46 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 08/2016 [Object] Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessels in the port of Punta Arenas. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 17/11/2016 [Submission Due Date] 28/11/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002540/2016-08 [Contract Number] 70200/16-05/00 [Awarded ] BMS United Bunkers (Cyprus) LTD [Contract Date] 14/12/2016 [Value] U$1600000.00 [Validity] December 02, 2016 – December 20, 2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 06/2016 [Object] “Supply, Removal and Installation of New Carpet in the Facilities of Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington “ [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 24/10/2016 [Submission Due Date] 03/11/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002351/2016-27 [Contract Number] 70200/16-04/00 [Awarded ] Aladdin Carpet & Floors [Contract Date] 21/11/2016 [Value] U$44911.96 [Validity] 21/11/2016 – 20/02/2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 05/2016 [Object] Aquisição de Óleo Combustível em Porto Estrangeiro. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 30/09/2016 [Submission Due Date] 31/10/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002100/2016-42 [Contract Number] 70200/16-03/00 [Awarded ] C.I. International Fuels [Contract Date] 17/11/2016 [Value] U$127764.00 [Validity] 17NOV2019 a 15FEV2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 04/2016 [Object] Supply of Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessel  “NE-Brasil” in the Port of Jacksonville. ----- REVOGADO ----- [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 30/09/2016 [Submission Due Date] 17/10/2016 [Revocation Date] 14/10/2016 [NUP] 63150.002095/2016-78 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] [Contract Date] [Value] [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 03/2016 [Object] Supply of Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessel  “NE-Brasil” in the Port of Baltimore [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 30/09/2016 [Submission Due Date] 17/10/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002081/2016-54 [Contract Number] 70200/16-002/00 [Awarded ] The Plaza Marine Corporation [Contract Date] 26/10/2016 [Value] U$142614.00 [Validity] 26/10/2016 – 10/01/2017 ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 02/2016 [Object] Equipamento Fotográfico [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 23/09/2016 [Submission Due Date] 03/10/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.002072/2016-63 [Contract Number] POM2016-/3004/0 [Awarded ] B&H Photo & Electronic Corp [Contract Date] 06/10/2016 [Value] U$38400.18 [Validity] ---------------------------------------- [Year] 2016 [Bid Number] 01/2016 [Object] Modernização do Sistema de Ar Condicionado "Amendment" 01 – Adicional reparo e reposição de peças.. [Bid Method ] Convite [Publish Date] 13/05/2016 [Submission Due Date] 01/06/2016 [Revocation Date] [NUP] 63150.001021/2016-14 [Contract Number] [Awarded ] Calvert Mechanical Solutions [Contract Date] 01/11/2016 [Value] U$48243.00 [Validity] 03AGO2016 a 02AGO2017 ----------------------------------------