
Pregão Eletrônico

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Ano Bid Number Object Bid Method Publish Date Submission Due Date Revocation Date NUP Contract Number Awarded Contract Date Valor Validity
2017 01/2017

Abastecimento de 20 Tambores de Combustível de Aviação (JET A-1).

Convite 25/01/2017 31/01/2017 63150.000232/2017-11 70200/17-01/00 Comercial Vicam LTDA 02/02/2017 U$10205.00 04/02/2017
2016 01/2016

Modernização do sistema de ar condicionado do prédio da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington.

Convite 13/05/2016 01/06/2016 63150.001021/2016-14 70200/16-001/00 Calvert Mechanical Solutions 03/08/2016 U$47022.00 03AGO2016 a 02AGO2017
2016 01/2016

Modernização do Sistema de Ar Condicionado
"Amendment" 01 – Adicional reparo e reposição de peças..

Convite 13/05/2016 01/06/2016 63150.001021/2016-14 Calvert Mechanical Solutions 01/11/2016 U$48243.00 03AGO2016 a 02AGO2017
2016 04/2016

Supply of Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessel  “NE-Brasil” in the Port of Jacksonville.
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Convite 30/09/2016 17/10/2016 14/10/2016 63150.002095/2016-78
2016 09/2016

Marine Fuel For Brazilian Navy Vessels in the Port of Ushuaia - Argentina
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Convite 17/11/2016 28/11/2016 05/12/2016 63150.002559/2016-46
2016 06/2016

“Supply, Removal and Installation of New Carpet in the Facilities of Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington “

Convite 24/10/2016 03/11/2016 63150.002351/2016-27 70200/16-04/00 Aladdin Carpet & Floors 21/11/2016 U$44911.96 21/11/2016 – 20/02/2017
2016 05/2016

Aquisição de Óleo Combustível em Porto Estrangeiro.

Convite 30/09/2016 31/10/2016 63150.002100/2016-42 70200/16-03/00 C.I. International Fuels 17/11/2016 U$127764.00 17NOV2019 a 15FEV2017
2016 02/2016

Equipamento Fotográfico

Convite 23/09/2016 03/10/2016 63150.002072/2016-63 POM2016-/3004/0 B&H Photo & Electronic Corp 06/10/2016 U$38400.18
2016 03/2016

Supply of Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessel  “NE-Brasil” in the Port of Baltimore

Convite 30/09/2016 17/10/2016 63150.002081/2016-54 70200/16-002/00 The Plaza Marine Corporation 26/10/2016 U$142614.00 26/10/2016 – 10/01/2017
2016 08/2016

Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessels in the port of Punta Arenas.

Convite 17/11/2016 28/11/2016 63150.002540/2016-08 70200/16-05/00 BMS United Bunkers (Cyprus) LTD 14/12/2016 U$1600000.00 December 02, 2016 – December 20, 2017
2016 07/2016

Aquisição de veículo tipo Van com capacidade para 12 passageiros.
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Convite 27/10/2016 09/11/2016 15/11/2016 63150.002363/2016-51
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