Ano | Bid Number | Object | Bid Method | Publish Date | Submission Due Date | Revocation Date | NUP | Contract Number | Awarded | Contract Date | Valor | Validity |
2019 | 07/2019 - Revogado |
Contratação de empresa de abastecimento de óleo marítimo e lubrificante para atender os navios NPoAlteMaximiano, NApOcAryRongel e NEBrasil. |
Convite | 09/09/2019 | 18/09/2019 | 15/10/2019 | 63150.001857/2019-61 | |||||
2022 | 07/2022 |
Acquisition of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) and Lubricant to supply the Tikuna Submarine at the Port Mayport (USA) - CLASSIFIED. |
Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) | 12/05/2022 | 19/05/2022 | 63150.001110/2022-17 | 70200/22-05/00 - USD 8,923.20 , 70200/22-06/00 - USD 192,400.00 e 70200/22-07/00 - USD 2,459.23. | Clipper Oil, INC, Sociedad Comercial VICAM SPA e BMS United. | 01/06/2022 | U$203782.43 | 01JUN2022 à 04JUN2023; 01JUN2022 à 01JUN2023. | |
2016 | 08/2016 |
Marine Fuel for Brazilian Navy Vessels in the port of Punta Arenas. |
Convite | 17/11/2016 | 28/11/2016 | 63150.002540/2016-08 | 70200/16-05/00 | BMS United Bunkers (Cyprus) LTD | 14/12/2016 | U$1600000.00 | December 02, 2016 – December 20, 2017 | |
2017 | 08/2017 |
Abastecimento dos navios NpaBracuí, NpaGuanabara e NpaGuaíba, na operação CARIBEX-2017 nos postos Paramaribo, San Juane Fort-de-France |
Convite | 25/05/2017 | 05/06/2017 | 63150.001094/2017-97 | 70200/17-03/00 e 70200/17-04/00 | BMS United Bunkers e Clipper Oil Inc | 08/06/2017 | U$77648.00 | 08JUN2017 a 30JUN2017 | |
2018 | 08/2018 |
Bathroom renovation |
Convite | 29/10/2018 | 08/11/2018 | 63150.002338/2018-30 | 70200/18-11/00 | J&R General Maintenance Corp. | 26/11/2018 | U$23950.00 | 16/11/2018 a 16/11/2019 | |
2022 | 08/2022 |
Acquisition of Marine Gas Oil (MGO) to supply the Cisne Branco Tall Ship (NveCisneBranco), on the occasion of its Velas Latinoamérica 2022 Commission - CLASSIFIED. |
Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) | 17/06/2022 | 27/06/2022 | 63150.001693/2022-78 | 70200/22-08/00 - USD 29,400.00; 70200/22-09/00 - USD 35,505.00; | Sociedad Comercial VICAM SPA; Black Bull Logistics, SL. | 27/07/2022 | U$64905.00 | 05 Julho de 2022 à 05 Julho 2023; 06 Julho de 2022 à 06 Julho de 2023. | |
2023 | 08/2023 |
The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 08/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended to hire services to handle the booking, issuance, and delivery of both domestic (within the United States of America) and international airline tickets for flights that originate from the United States of America or, in some instances, from countries in the Americas, China, Korea, and Japan (BNCW's area of jurisdiction). |
Pregão Eletrônico | 05/12/2023 | 18/12/2023 | 63150.002822/2023-26 | 70200/23-14/00 | Globo Travel Tours Inc. | 20/12/2023 | U$350000.00 | 12 meses | |
2016 | 09/2016 |
Marine Fuel For Brazilian Navy Vessels in the Port of Ushuaia - Argentina |
Convite | 17/11/2016 | 28/11/2016 | 05/12/2016 | 63150.002559/2016-46 | |||||
2017 | 09/2017 |
Munições. |
10/07/2017 | 04/08/2017 | 09/08/2017 | |||||||
2018 | 09/2018 |
Equipamentos de informática para a CNBW - REVOGADO |
Convite | 14/11/2018 | 23/11/2018 | 27/11/2018 | 63150.002468/2018-72 | |||||
2019 | 09/2019 |
Abastecimento do navio NE Brasil nos portos de Baltimore, EUA, e de San Juan, Porto Rico. |
Convite | 15/10/2019 | 22/10/2019 | 63150.002286/2019-82 | 70200/19-05/00 | Clipper Oil Company | 05/11/2019 | U$243834.00 | 05NOV2019 a 05JAN2020 | |
2022 | 09/2022 |
Contratação de serviço de transporte de bagagem e/ou veículos de militares integrantes do Destacamento de Segurança de Embaixada do Brasil no Paraguai. Hiring baggage and/or vehicle transport service for military personnel from the Security Detachment of the Brazilian Embassy in Paraguay. |
Pregão Eletrônico (Online Reverse Bid) | 12/08/2022 | 23/08/2022 | 63150.002219/2022-63 | 02/2022 | Asunción Vanpack SRL | 26/08/2022 | U$68835.00 | 26 de agosto de 2022 à 30 de dezembro de 2022. | |
2023 | 09/2023 |
The President of the Brazilian Naval Commission in Washington, headquartered at 5130 MacArthur Blvd, N.W., Washington, DC, 20016-3316, makes the Bid Process Nº 09/2023 public, in the Online Reverse Bid Auction modality, intended for the acquisition of flat aluminum sheets according to ASTM B209 5083 H116 alloy, checkered (tread) aluminum sheets according to ASTM B209 5754 H114 alloy, and aluminum profiles according to ASTM B221 6082 T6 alloy. O Presidente da Comissão Naval Brasileira em Washington, com sede em 5130 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Washington, DC, 20016-3316, torna público o Processo Licitatório Nº. 09/2023, na modalidade de Pregão Eletrônico, destinado à aquisição de chapas lisas de alumínio na liga ASTM 8209 5083 H116, chapas xadrez de alumínio na liga ASTM 8209 5754 H114 e perfis de alumínio na liga ASTM 8221 6082 T6. |
Pregão Eletrônico | 30/11/2023 | 30/11/2023 | 63014.011340/2023-21 | 70200/23-11/00 | Pierce Aluminum Company Inc. | ||||
2017 | 10/2017 |
Aquisição de insumos de munição |
Convite | 11/08/2017 | 01/09/2017 | 63150.001703/2017-16 | 70200/17-07/00 - 70200/17-08/00 - 70200/17-09/00 | Scepter Canada Inc. Expal Systems and Island Island Pyrochemical Industries Corporation | 20/11/2017 | U$1755840.00 | 07NOV2017 a 27JUN2018, 27SET2017 a 17MAR2018 , 20NOV2017 a 11ABR2019 | |
2019 | 10/2019 |
Abastecimento de óleo combustível marítimo para o Navio Polar Alte. Maximiano no porto de Punta Arenas, Chile. |
Convite | 21/10/2019 | 23/10/2019 | 63150.002374/2019-84 | P2019-M005 | Agencias Universales S.A. - AGUNSA | 24/10/2019 | U$208306.40 | 24OUT2019 a 24DEZ2019 |